What a busy day today!!! I have been canning pretty much all day. My friend Zoi gave me a ton of tomatoes, like 50 cups diced! Yesterday I did most of the chopping: onions, jalepeno's, green pepper, and of coarse all those tomatoes! So today I made 20 pints of salsa, 10 pints of marinara, and 4 pints of diced tomatoes with garlic and basil.
Here are the fruits of my labor :) I used the same recipe for salsa and marinara that I used last year, just switched it up a little bit. I added cilantro to the salsa and zucchini to the marinara. The diced tomatoes I kind off made my own recipe after looking at several different recipes online. Only 1 jar of salsa did not seal...love hearing that popping sound. Everything else sealed. So I guess that's the jar of salsa we eat first lol! I also made a spicy mustard for my husband and I to try, its still chillin in the fridge. Later this week I plan on trying my hand at Jalepeno jelly and rhubarb marmalade. Thanks for stopping by!